Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The secret to harnessing hormones

"Women can be, and many are, greatly affected by hormone fluctuations. Sometimes it gets to the point of feeling totally overwhelmed - as if for a time they have lost control of their life," says Christiane Northrup, MD, author of The Wisdom of Menopause and Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom.

For years I have struggled with the horrors of hormone fluctuation that causes mood swings, irritability, breast tenderness, bloating, increased flatulence, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, food cravings, depression, anxiety, lack of interest, fogginess, and the list could go on....... 

We have all heard the number of things that we can do to limit our symptoms:
  1. Reduce caffeine and sugar to reduce bloating
  2. Increase supplements such as vitamin B6, zinc and magnesium
  3. Carry out activities that encourage those four main feel good chemicals; endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine 
  4. Take a low dose birth control contraceptive to balance out the hormone fluctuations
What I have learned

You name it, us women have all tried it but what I think I HAVE LEARNED from Gabrielle Lichterman, a nationally-known women's health journalist who's the founder of Hormonology® and creator of the Hormone Horoscope®, is that there is no real escape from hormones but there are ways to better mange your life around them.

Hormone Horoscope® Review

I recently discovered the website Hormone Horoscope® and I have to admit that when I downloaded the Hormone Horoscope® App for Android, I did is as a bit of a laugh. However I am now using this App to plan everyday. I've been using Hormone Horoscope® for two months now and it never fails to predict what my day is going to be like, I am absolutely amazed at how accurate the information is. 

This App is a great way to take control of how our hormones affect us throughout the month. Look ahead and you can plan your day to avoid situations that will make you cranky and so you can prepare your activities for the different emotional states and energy levels you will face.

The five best features
  1. Daily reminders pop up to remind you to check what is in store for you each day.
  2. Tracking calendar allows you to see where you are in your monthly menstrual cycle with colour coding allowing you to see at a glance, the ups and downs of your Estrogen, Pro-estrogen and Testosterone
  3. Hormone horoscope describes for you how you will most likely feel each day and the possible affect your hormones will have on your activities that day and hints for making your day better.
  4. Storing notes is probably my favourite feature, because although the App is pretty darn accurate, each person still has their own unique symptoms and work around.
  5. Fun facts about your hormones help us to focus on the positives of being a woman.

Knowledge of my cycle really is a power that I had overlooked my whole life. Knowing what is happening to you and when allows you to harness your hormones in a positive way instead of just complaining about being a woman all the time. 

I absolutely recommend heading on over to the website to read more about how Hormone Horoscope® works. 

I give the Hormone Horoscope® App for Android a full FIVE STARS.  You can read my review on Google Play

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